Our Publisher Help Center is designed so you can quickly and easily find the information you need. The interface is also optimized for browsing on mobile devices.
You must be signed in to see and search all articles. If you have any problems signing in, contact Customer Support so they can understand your individual situation and personally assist you.
This article will take you through a tour of the Help Center interface.
Help Center Homepage
The homepage is designed with features that guide you through the Help Center:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Below are the features you will see in the interface; click the + for more information:
The search box is prominent because we know that you like to use search to find what you are looking for.
The four boxes below the search box are called custom blocks. Each one links to an article or important information particularly geared towards publishers who are new to Rakuten Advertising. There you will find:
- A road map to success with tips for affiliate publishers.
- A glossary of common affiliate marketing terms.
- A link to a short video explaining how affiliate marketing works.
- A link to an article on how to reach our Customer Support team. Contacting Customer Support is a quick way to get more help if you do not find what you are looking for immediately in the Help Center articles.
These are the top 15 most popular articles among our publishers based on our data. If one of these is of interest to you and you think that it might answer your question, you can click directly into the article from the section.
This section lists the latest articles added to the Help Center and new comments on articles.
The Browse by Category section is yet another way for you to discover helpful articles. It shows all the categories we have in the Help Center:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
Click on a category of interest to reach its category page where you will see the different content sections and articles within each section:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
You can click into a section to view all the articles that comprise it, or you can click directly into an article.
Article View
Our article pages also include features that can help you get the information you need:
Click on the image for a larger version. |
These are the features you will see in article pages; click the + for more information:
Click the Follow button to receive an email update every time a new comment is added to an article.
Click the Print article icon to obtain a physical copy of the article or save a PDF version:
Our content is updated regularly, so we recommend that you do not rely solely on a PDF version or physical copy of an article. To make sure your version is the latest one, check the live article in the help center frequently.
Click the Email article icon to share the article via your default email application:
This will open an email with the article’s title as the subject and URL in the body.
Click the Copy article link icon to obtain the article’s URL:
You will see an Article link copied confirmation message after you click the icon:
The Articles in this Section menu on the left side shows you all the articles that are in the same section of content. This allows you to navigate to other articles on a topic so you can learn more.
The Recently Viewed Articles menu allows you to revisit an article that you looked at previously.
Some articles display a table of contents on the right so you can quickly access different sections of these articles.
You can give the article an upvote or downvote to let us know how we are doing:
If an article needs improvement, you can help us by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page:
A previous button and a next button might be available for you to get to the next or previous article in that section of content:
Use the Related Articles list at the bottom of the page to find other articles on the topic you are interested in:
The breadcrumbs at the top left of the page allow you to move back up in the hierarchy as needed and all the way back to the homepage:
You can also get back to the homepage by using the back button in your browser or clicking the Rakuten Advertising logo.
Technical Documentation
A few of the articles in the help center cover implementation guidelines for technical processes that take place outside of the dashboard. These articles feature a slightly different layout and do not include the Articles in this Section and Recently Viewed Articles menus described above.
Support Widget
You will find a support widget at the bottom right of every page in the Help Center:
Type in a keyword or question and the widget will populate with several article suggestions. If none of these seem helpful, click the Live Chat button to connect instantly with one of our outstanding customer support agents:
Corporate Social Media Links
Rakuten Advertising corporate social media links are shown at the bottom of each page in the Help Center.
We hope you found this tour of the Publisher Help Center user interface helpful. Feel free to share your feedback or suggestions on how we can improve it.
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