As a Rakuten Advertising publisher, you need to understand and follow our network policies, applicable laws, regulations, advertisers' policies, and Terms and Conditions. There are benefits, expectations, and guidelines to follow to maintain your membership in good standing.
Responsibilities of Publisher Membership
There are also responsibilities associated with your network membership. We take network quality seriously because it is in the best interest of all our advertisers and publishers.
Below are some key expectations and guidelines to get you started. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, but issues and resources are highlighted for you to investigate further.
Transparency and Integrity
Be open and transparent in disclosing to Rakuten Advertising and to each advertiser partner who you are, how you are driving traffic to advertisers' sites using your affiliate links, and how you are maintaining compliance with all required terms and policies. This practice helps you to maintain a good partnership with your advertisers.
Rakuten's Network Policies
You can review and download the current Publisher Membership Agreement and the Network Policies online. Read them completely and carefully and make sure you understand everything in the policies. You may also want to have your legal consultant review and advise you where you are unsure. The policies cover these important areas of your affiliate marketing efforts in our network and others:
- FTC Endorsement Compliance for making required disclosures when reviewing products and using affiliate links.
- FTC CAN-SPAM Act Compliance when using email marketing.
- Using adware, plug-ins, pop-up engines, and other downloadable technology.
- Using network communication tools.
- Distributing affiliate links.
- Participating in advertisers' affiliate programs.
- Generating invalid tracked activities.
- Taking advantage of return day features.
Advertisers' Policies, Terms and Conditions
Read the advertiser's Terms and Conditions and policies before joining their program. Pay particular attention to advertiser-specific policies about:
Paid Search Marketing:
- Such as whether trademark bidding is allowed.
Social Media:
- Allowable use of social media postings for affiliate links.
Coupon Usage:
- Including the use of non-affiliate coupon codes on your site.
Gift Cards:
- Including whether gift cards and e-gift cards are commissionable.
Downloadable Software Applications:
- Including whether the advertiser allows toolbars, browser plug-ins, and other downloadable software applications (DSAs).
Resale of Products:
- Allowable purchase of advertiser's products for resale, if any.
- How the advertiser will handle violations of their policies.
You can find the advertiser's policies in the Publisher Dashboard. Advertiser policies are subject to change. It is always best to check the advertiser's Terms and Conditions and confirm the policies with the advertiser directly.
Possible Reasons for Account Termination
Our Network Quality and Compliance team monitors our publishers for any signs of fraud, misrepresentations, or non-compliance. Serious violations can lead to termination or removal from the Network, and you may not be allowed to rejoin.
There are many reasons why we may terminate newly registered publishers in our network including:
- Incomplete or false contact information
- Invalid business
- Lack of website content
- Unacceptable website content, including promotion of activity considered illegal
- Inability to verify websites, phone numbers, and email, or other items
- Association with known fraudulent publishers
Other causes for termination or investigation are spelled out in the various policies referenced in this article. It is your responsibility to read and understand all the relevant policies to make sure you are following them. If you have questions about the policies, contact the advertiser directly or contact your legal consultant for guidance. We cannot provide legal advice for you.
Questions About Account Termination
If you have reviewed the article above and the related policies and still do not understand why your account was terminated, you can contact our Network Quality and Compliance team for further assistance at
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