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Cancel or Close Your Publisher Account


If you cancel, close, or delete your account, all your advertiser partnerships will be removed and revoked. 


Only organization administrators or organization owners can cancel or close a publisher account.

Contact Customer Support for Assistance

To cancel, close, or delete your account, contact Customer Support for assistance. Because only organization administrators or owners can cancel or close a publisher account, we must confirm the email address from which the request is sent or ask a pre-determined security question to determine who is contacting us.

If you are not the organization's administrator or owner, contact that person for help with the request.

Suspend Users

Only organization administrators or owners can suspend users from their accounts. Suspending a user blocks their access to the account.

Request Consumer Information Deletion

Based on our privacy policies, consumers can request that their information be deleted. For assistance, they can contact

Reopen Account

You can reopen your account by contacting Customer Support, though you cannot renew your previous partnerships. You will need to reapply to each advertiser for program approval.

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