Contact Customer Support


If you cannot find an answer to your question here in the Rakuten Advertising Publisher Help Center, follow the instructions below to contact Customer Support.


For inquiries about Rakuten Rewards (Ebates) or cash back, go to

Chat Support

Chat support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click the Support button pictured below in the lower right corner of your screen.


Email Support

Except for publishers located in Brazil, we have one global email address for supporting all our publishers:

Publishers located in Brazil should email

Get the Best Results

Include your SID: To help us provide faster support, include your Site ID (SID) in your communications. The SID is a unique number used in our network to identify different marketing channels. Our support team can use it to locate your record. You can find your SID at the top right of your dashboard:


Provide as many details as possible: If you are experiencing a technical issue, providing relevant information in your email will help Customer Support address your issue faster. This information can include:

  • The browser you are using (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and so on).
  • The operating system you are using (Windows 10, Apple OS).
  • The steps you took before encountering the issue.
  • The error message you are receiving.
  • Screenshots of the error message or the problem.

Include Rakuten emails in your safe senders list: To make sure our response to you does not end up in the spam folder, add the,, and domains to the safe-senders list in your email program. Check your spam or junk mail folder for our reply before re-contacting Customer Support.

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