Logging in to the Rakuten Affiliate Network


After you create your publisher account, you can log in to your account and access your Publisher Dashboard. Follow these steps to log in:

  1. Go to the Rakuten Advertising website: https://rakutenadvertising.com/
  2. From there, access the log-in drop-down menu on the top right corner of the page. Click Login and select Affiliate Publisher.
  3. You will see this login screen:

    Legacy login.png

  4. Enter your email and password.
  5. Click Login.

Publisher Dashboard Redirect

Once you log in, you are redirected to the New Publisher Dashboard (beta).


If this is your first time accessing the New Publisher Dashboard (beta), your data will first be migrated to the new dashboard. Once your data is migrated, click Go to dashboard. This migration step will only happen once.

The New Publisher Dashboard (beta) offers numerous benefits, and we believe you are going to enjoy the new and improved experience. Although the Legacy Publisher Dashboard will be deprecated in the future, it will still be accessible for the time being. You can return to the Legacy Publisher Dashboard by opening the nine-dot menu and clicking Legacy Publisher Dashboard:

Click on the image for a larger version.

If you have any difficulties logging in, contact Customer Support for assistance.

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  • This whole new format sucks. I had hundred of affiliates businesses that i could  market they are all gone. I get emails from these affiliates and find they are not there. 

  • Joseph, I'm sorry...it sounds like you are having trouble using the New Publisher Dashboard (beta). I have shared your feedback with the product team. Please toggle to the Legacy Publisher Dashboard and you should find your marketing channels and advertiser partners there. Video instructions to toggle are here: https://pubhelp.rakutenmarketing.com/hc/articles/20502685248397-Toggle-between-the-New-and-the-Legacy-Publisher-Dashboards-Video-.  If you have further questions, please contact Customer Support by email at pubsupport@rakuten.com or using the Support icon at the lower right so they can understand your individual situation and personally assist you.

  • How do I find my affiliate link to post on my post I don't see it or know where to find it

  • 0

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